Special Award: Lean Transformation

Magna Auteca GmbH, Weiz/Klagenfurt plant

The jury's statement

Magna Auteca started their lean transformation with an employee training in 2011. According to the former orientation of the production system (housekeeping!), occupational safety and 5S were of primary importance.

There was a real boost for the plant in 2014, starting with the consistent implementation of the new MAFACT production system. Within the European locations of Magna, the two plants in Weiz and Klagenfurt reached the top position in 2017 and 2018. It should be emphasized that the lean transformation promoted by management was carried out without any external pressure - turnover and workforce increased continuously from 2013 onwards. The high level of lean maturity in all areas (besides production, also in administration and development) is one reason for the profitable growth in recent years. The result of lean activities is reflected in a steady improvement in key figures such as e.g. quality, OEE and scrap.

Particularly noteworthy are the

  • Standardized work (sophisticated but not cluttered standard operations sheets), compliance with which is closely monitored through a smart digital application (digital assessment)
  • High discipline regarding compliance with the standards
  • Benchmark in the field of ​​safety and health
  • Broad anchoring of Lean Six Sigma
  • Simple and pragmatic Layered Audit System in all areas (also administration)
  • Shop floor management based on online machine data
  • Highly developed and KPI-based improvement process at all management levels and in all areas

Particularly in the Klagenfurt plant with its high level of automation in assembly, the evaluation team was impressed by the well-organized maintenance with very fast response times and the excellent industrialization process. The new assembly lines are a benchmark regarding productivity and quality.

The jury is convinced that Magna Auteca has laid the foundations for a continued successful future in its Weiz and Klagenfurt plants Lean transformation was successful.


>> Portrait of the winner (216 KB)

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